Monday, August 18, 2008

Workshop Day 1

It's hard to put into words what an amazing experience it was to be here today. First of all, we are in Ireland which is so incredibly beautiful! Second, everyone who is here is just so nice and fun to spend time with.

This morning Melissa shared all of her photographic tips and techniques and then we went out to practice. Brett and Arden were our engaged couple for the day. They are both incredible photographers but they also do a really fabulous job on the other side of the camera.

First we took some pictures just around the house where we are staying.

Then we hopped on our little cool bus and drove to a ruin nearby. You have to go to Melissa's blog to see a really funny picture of me shooting around the ruins.

And lastly we drove down to the beach for my favorite shot of the day.

Aaahh, what a wonderful day!

*I'm having a really hard time posting from a mac so things are a little out of place, but I wanted to share some of my favorite images anyways.


All Flavors & Sabores said...

Cris, muito legal tudo isso! Vc esta suuuper de parabens!
Lis :)

Kara Layne Photography said...

Way to go, girl! Looks like you are doing so much out there. And I saw the modeling photos of you on Melissa's look fierce!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!!

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