Sunday, November 2, 2008

Michael and Ariel

Last Friday I met up with Ariel and Michael for their engagement session. We had such a great time! 

One of their favorite hobbies is reading (and apparently kissing too):

Michael was the news editor for State Press while attending ASU:

They are getting married next year on October 17th:

Thank you so much you two for a great afternoon. I hope you love your photos!


Vivi DiLopes Adams said...

Cris... checo seu blog praticamente todos os dias e estou encantada. Acho q a cada trabalho, vc se aperfeicoa mais. Parabens!

Pati Pakulis said...

Cristi, Great photoshoot!! I love the shot in the library. You did a wonderful job!!


Anonymous said...

You did a great job on the Michael and Ariel shoot.

-A Mike and Ariel Supporter
Vote MARIEL (Mike and Ariel) in 2012


Cristi said...

hi anonymous,
i love it that you gave them their own hollywood monicker. and thanks for your nice words!

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