Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So Sad!

Yesterday I post processed about 300 pictures and I was so excited to post some on the blog today. I had the pictures from our Photogether, my trip to Montana, my cute sister-in-law who's pregnant and lots from the wedding last Saturday. Well, they are all gone except for one. I still have all the originals (backed up in multiple places) but the post processed ones are all gone. I am so sad! Curtis just left to go get me some Cold Stone - a very powerful antidepressant drug for me - so I should be back to normal in a couple of hours. In the mean time, back to post processing :)

And here is the one picture that didn't disappear:

This one is from our Photogether but I'll post more on it once I re-post process the photos. I'm glad this is the one picture I still had because this is Kym and her birthday was yesterday! Happy birthday, Kym!

1 comment:

Knudsen Family said...

Super-sinky! thank goodness for back-ups!

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