Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Good Buy?

My second day blogging. Yay! On my way home from work today I stopped to get a few things for my Christmas party. I was going to blog about that but I want it to be a suprise... So, as I was looking for cute Christmas dinner things, I spotted the most gorgeous brown, knee-length, leather boots. Yeah, I know, shoes are in a completely different section, but I can't help it, my eyes just do that all on their own. As I walked over toward the boots, I was secretely dreaming that they would be my size and that they would be on sale, but really I knew that would be impossible. Afterall it's just the beggining of "boot season". I couldn't believe that they were a size 6 and they were 75% off! I bought them - of course! As I was driving home (feeling really good about my purchase) I noticed that the temperature outside at 6:30 pm was still 78 degrees! Kristen, can my boots and I come visit you in Colorado?

1 comment:

All Flavors & Sabores said...

Ta vendo? Mais uma foto linda...a bota e um charme!
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