Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fortune Cookies

Even though I don't consider myself a superstitious person I like to believe in the things I feel make my life more fun. Chinese Fortune Cookies being a very important part of this.

This last week I got the following three "fortunes" (yes, I have been eating out a lot):

And then Maribel, a nurse from the Heart Hospital got me this really cool bag as a going away present. So sweet! I love it! The dietitians and diet techs also got me the gorgeous bracelet you see above to match my earrings. So great! I guess this is one of the perks of working with mostly women :)

Here's number two:

Could this be any more appropriate? New job, new haircut, hopefully new website soon...

Speaking of new haircut, I got this fortune cookie just minutes before my hair appointment:

And just to make sure I didn't waste such a fortunate date I also made some other decisions that you'll hopefully be able to see very soon!

In case you are wondering, these very accurate chinese fortune cookies are a courtesy of Pei Wei. Go get some!

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