Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kristina & Brian

One of my cousins who's one of my faithful blog readers asked me a few weeks back if I really do love my clients and have as much fun as I say I do on my blog and I answered her: "Absolutely!". However, the truth is, sometimes I feel like I don't even have the words to adequately express just how much!  Which happens to be the case with Kristina and Brian. But you don't have to believe my words. Just take a look at these photos and I hope you will be able to tell  just how much fun they are as well as what beautiful people they are inside and out:
They both really enjoy cooking and drinking wine, so this is how we started their session:

Very hot:

Then we headed outside after a quick wardrobe change:
My favorite image of the day:


How many favorites can I have?

Brian trying to show off his juggling skills:
"She thinks your are super delicious". I love that T-Mobile commercial and this picture made me think of that line. If you don't know what I'm talking about. Click here.

Kristina said she felt more serious after changing into black. Love this look:

Back to having some serious fun:

A little racing fun:
It was so nice to meet you both. Thank you for the wonderful afternoon :)


brenda said...

gorgeousness, Cristi! i'm loving the black and white ones in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, you are so talented and they are such a cute couple. It makes me want more engagement pictures. Can you do that if you're married? haha

Cristi said...

Thanks, girls! Aren't they the cutest?!!
Jessica, yes, you can absolutely have "married pictures" taken.

Lydia said...

I love those lifestyle images in the kitchen and all the black and whites! Your photography is so beautiful! I can't wait to meet you at Jasmine's workshop!

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