I drove down to Tucson for this session and it was so great to spend the afternoon with this family.
Ian's mom, Viviane, is also from Brazil and prepared the most delicious brazilian meal for us. Thank you so much, Vivi! The left over pao-de-queijo didn't even make it to the end of your street :)
Sorry, food always distracts me. Back to the pictures. A close-up of his perfectness. If that's not a real word, it should be, because that's the only way to describe this:
and this would be perfection:

This melts my heart:
Is that a smile?
Seriously! How cute can one be!?!!
I had to post this next picture for three reasons:
I'm running out of words... How about... perfectly gorgeous family:
1. These are Ian's dad's, David, old shoes (which makes it really really special and therefore blog-worthy)
2. They say RUFF STUFF in the back (which made me smile and I hope it makes you smile)
3. My husband couldn't stop laughing as he pointed out to me that even during a newborn session I find a way to photograph shoes (and I thought that might make you laugh too).
Ai Cris! Amei! Thank you so very much. Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. You ROCK! :)
Wow - Cristi, these photos are beautiful. What an adorable little baby and such a nice job capturing their family!
Oi Cristi, sou amiga da Vivi, mae do Ian. Tive que vir aqui ver o seu trabalho, voce tem um talento enorme. Lindas as fotos! Posso deixar um link do seu blog no meu?
Beautiful photos... He is such a cute baby! :)
He is a beautiful baby...and these photos are gorgeous. Good work!
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