I know I've neglected my blog the last few days, but I have a very good reason for it.
We were in Puerto Vallarta! It was the most wonderful trip ever!
Everything was just perfect: the place, the weather, the people, the food...
The main reason for the trip was to attend Brooke and Conor's wedding but we did much more than that. I'd say the highlights of the trip were:
1. Aunt Nancy laughing so hard she fell of the chair at Club Nitro
2. Getting Tom and Curt to dance on stage under the spotlight at Club Nitro for the dance competition
3. Swimming with the dolphins - This was a dream come true for me!
4. Dinner at Dos Santos - the best meal I've EVER had!
5. Playing with Avery
6. Spending time with my friends
7. Getting to wear a bathing suit 5 days in a row
Hey Cristi-
I would loooove to see more pictures from Mexico! No rush of course! It was great meeting you and the rest of your crew. Hope to share more fun times soon. Take care!
Eu sempre fico espiando seu blog pra ver seus comentarios e sua fotos. Acho tudo muito joia.Tava olhando as fotos da Cris e da Gabi e nao aguentei... curte elas bastante ai!
Como eles vao fazer falta, gosh!
Espero que esteja tudo bem com vc.
See ya!
Hey Holly,
I've been having a really hard time posting pictures here so I uploaded the pictures from the wedding to kodak gallery and sent them to Brooke today. By the way, you look beautiful in all of them.
It was really fun meeting you.
Let me know when you see the pictures.
Hey Cristi-
Would you mind sending a link to your gallery to me as well? I'm not sure how often the Brookster actually checks her e-mail! Thanks... this will be the last time I bother you... promise.... unless I find myself in AZ of course!!!
Thanks again,
I'm sooo happy for you. Lembro bem qd vc viu minha foto e disse: nossa, meu sonho e' nadar com golfinhos...e vc realizou! Tem fotos ne'?
Bjao pra vc e um otimo final de semana.
Fique com Deus...bjim, Vivi
oi lis, adoro ler os seus "comments". thanks!! realmente vou sentir muita falta da Chris, do Al e da Gabi.
oi vivi,
realmente fiquei morrendo de inveja da sua foto com o golfinho... sempre foi meu sonho!
it was so amazing! definitivamente a dream come true! e claro que comprei todas as fotos! depois vou ver se coloco as fotos aqui.
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