From the school I went over to the Chandler mall to meet my friend Trisha. We had lunch at the Wild Flower Bread Company and it was really good. I love it that we always get something different and then share because I have a difficult time picking just one thing. After lunch we did some shopping for our upcoming trip to Mexico. She's the best shopping buddy in the world! And this became even more evident as we were shopping for shoes and I heard one girl telling her friend "Those are dynamite, you have to get them, they will go with everything!" I looked over and the friend had the ugliest pair of boots I have ever seen in my life and she was really unsure about getting them and her "friend" kept on pushing her to - how mean!! Girls, only shop with people you trust! By the way, I don't usually listen in on people's conversation, but when you hear someone use the word dynamite you can't help it but pay attention.
When we were leaving Trisha got a flat tire and I went over to the gas station to help her. It was really funny because we didn't really know what we were doing, but we figured it out.
My boss Pam attended a wedding at the Seville golf club with her family and she asked me to come take some formal portraits of them after the wedding. It was only 3pm so the sun was still pretty high and even though it's November it was really hot!
At night we went over to Mickey's Hangover to meet my friend Daniela (and some other friends) to watch the UFC fight. I think it's safe to say the guys watched the fight while the girls talked. We got home pretty late and this is why I'm only posting this today.
Here's my boss Pam and her family. Her husband John, her girls Kelly and Kimmy and her son Kendall. I really feel lucky to work for someone who's so wonderful. It was fun to see you on a weekend, Pam!

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