After shooting
Kelly and Panos' wedding on Saturday and
Christina and Eric's wedding on Sunday, I drove to California with my mom on Monday to attend
Jasmine Star's workshop on Tuesday and we drove back home on Wednesday!
I LOVE being busy. My mom laughs because I don't know how to not be doing something at all times. On our way back from California, traffic came to a complete stand still and I immediately said,
"Oh, I can get my phone and call so-and-so back and then can you please help me write down my to-do list for tomorrow..." And then I was interrupted by mom reminding me to slow down a bit as she pointed out how beautiful the clouds looked. Thanks, mom. I still called so-and-so back, though.
After we got settled in our hotel room I went out to meet some of the other photographers for dinner. Here's the whole group:
Kira, and
Emily. I really loved meeting all of you!

A quick shot of Kristen:

And proof that I was also there. By the way, my hair and California weather are true nemesis. If you think this is bad. Just wait for the Donald Trump combover you are about lay eyes on.
Oh lord! It was bad!
As I mentioned before after Jasmine spoke at a 100 miles/hr in the morning, we got to do a photoshoot in the afternoon.

Afer we had been out there for a while and we were all walking back to our cars, Jasmine asked did you all think you got at least one shot that really represents your brand? Me and my big mouth said no.
Oh, why do I do things like that? As I said it and felt like she was turning to me, I just wanted to run and hide but I couldn't. She's fast, really fast and she found me in the middle of the other 20 photographers. And she said,
"well then let's go back so you can get your shot". I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I felt horrible because I knew everyone was hot and ready to go. I felt bad because I knew Tiffany probably couldn't wait to get out of those shoes. I felt bad because I was sure Mark was close to having a heat stroke in that suit. But under Jasmine's order I walked back and prayed that everyone wouldn't hate me. Then I got the shot below. I love the contrast of the super made-up for magazine look with their very real feelings. Thanks Jasmine for my first shoot with an audience and thanks everyone else for not throwing rocks at me on the way back to the car. I really appreciate it.

And as promised, check out my very own Donald Trump comb-over. And please, should you ever witness this on my head again in real life,
please let me know. Thanks :)

P.S. The above photo was taken straight from
Jasmine Star's website, which gets 10,000 hits/day. Could it get any worse? Oh yeah, it could. I blinked!
Love the pics Cristi!! You did such a great job with "your" shot and don't worry, we will never throw rocks at you! :)
You are sooooooo hilar! I laughed so hard at, what you call the DT comb over! Too funny, and as for you speaking up about your shots...I totally feel you, I would probably do the same thing!!!! They look amazing though!
Amazing shots! What an awesome oppurtunity. And you do not have a combover! Trust. I am a hairstylist! That is what you call a deep sided part:) Now the blinking eyes...don't know what that is....sorry can't help ya:) Allergies??? But either way you're still cute!
I thought it was great you got to get your shot! It turned out beautiful! It was great meeting you Cristi!
Great post! Thanks so much for sharing about the workshop! :)
Awesome shots Cristi! Seems the workshop was lost of fun! :)
@Megan and @Lydia - you girls are SO sweet. I'm so glad we got a chance to meet. You are welcome here in AZ anytime! Come shoot a wedding with me :)
@Katina - i'm glad you are so amused by my misery
@Live.Love - thanks for renaming the combover, it totally made me feel better.
you crack me up!!! it was great to meet you and i have other group photos i will send you where your eyes are not closed. keep in touch
Love these shots Cristi! :)
Awesome JOB! Yay, now I have another picture of my in the OC. Nice meeting you... stay sweet... and "your shot" came out beautiful
Awesome pictures Cristi! Hey . . . I snuck one of them on my blog that you took of us at dinner! THANKS!!!! Hope you don't mind! And you take great pictures, but we are always more critical of the way we look in pics. That's why we are BEHIND the lens! ;)
That's so cool that you went to Jasmine's workshop! Way to go you! Looks like it was a fun group! And I feel you on the group shot. That's what I usually look like too. Don't worry--there's a million shots of you looking like a super-model so we all know how darn cute you REALLY are :).
amelia told me about this... cracks me up. totally my luck. your shots rock it out -- plus, you got to go. how awesome!!!
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