Last Sunday before I left for Montana I had the absolute pleasure of documenting Mary's 90th birthday celebration.
I felt honored the moment Melanie, her granddaughter, called me and asked me to be there. However, the significance of how important these memories are became even more clear that day. Right as I was getting ready to leave for the party, my sister called me to let me know my 98 year-old grandfather had passed away that morning. I was sad, but as I documented this day for them, I felt so blessed to be there and to be able to give them all these wonderful memories.
This is such a great family! They are so much fun and it's so easy to see their love for each other.

Eli waiting for the guests to arrive:

Remember these beautiful girls? I first met
this gorgeous family last November and I swear they are even more beautiful now. Here's Abbey, Annabella, Hayden, and Emily:

Noah is still the troublemaker but I love it how the other kids just totally go with it and are back there waiting for him to decide it's picture time:

With a little help from his brothers we got a nice one :)

The beautiful birthday girl:

They had a really fun slideshow and it was fun to watch Mary's reactions:

There were lots of great toasts:

Melanie is gorgeous and the light here was just perfect!

This is Mary's best friend. They have been friends since they were 19 years old!

Her toast had Mary a little teary-eyed but mostly laughing:

Yep, this is when I cried. Such beautiful words:

All the great grandkids together:

Time to party:

Look who joined in:

And just a few more of the kids:

It was so great to see you all again. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of such an amazing celebration. I felt truly honored to be there.