I wanted to add a photo to the back of my new business cards but I'm having a really hard time choosing a photo. Help, please! You can click on comments and vote for your favorite.
1. 2. 3.
5. 6. 7. 8. Thanks I appreciate the help :)
Oi Cris! Tudo joia? O seu website ficou muito bonito1 A minha foto favorita e a 6 com a menininha...ficou perfeita! Boa sorte1 bjos
Ohh...I'm torn between five, six, or seven. Yikes, that was a lot. I like them because there was more of a contrast with your lights and darks and the colored ones really jump out with those gorgeous eyes! I think all of that would really stand out in print on a card.
Thanks for your comment, you are so sweet! I've been thinking of planning a get together with a handful of photographers in the area for lunch and then some time to take photos of each other and learn a bit together. You should totally get in on that!!! Then we can just give each other what we took. Free. Fun. Easy. Learning.
Uma das minhas fotos preferidas para um business card eh a com os dois livros, com a fortune cookie that says "a new chapter in your life is being written"....
Tudo bem? I'm so proud of you and very excited that you now have your own business up and going... Congratulations!
Eu adorei todas as fotos; however, my favorite one is # 5. It catches people's attention right away and even leaves a lasting impression. The only thing you could consider adding to this picture would be some subtle color to your logo, that way it will stand out since it is for your business card.
I can see why your choice was so difficult. All your pictures look so great. I really liked picture #5 which was followed by picture #2which I thought was at a close second.
Oi Cris!
Tudo joia?
O seu website ficou muito bonito1
A minha foto favorita e a 6 com a menininha...ficou perfeita!
Boa sorte1
I really like photo number1 it shows how you capture photos of the unique personality of the kids.
I vote for the 5th one...but the first one is also nice :)
Hey Cristi! Definitly the 5th photo down - absolutely classic!!
I like numbers 5 or 6. Beautiful!!
Hi Cris!
I agree with Kara, my vote is for #5. I think is a gorgeous photo and just a nice fit for you BC. :) beijao
I like #5 B&W girl laying on side and #2 engagement couple.
I think my favorite photo is #6, so sweet!
O vote for photo number 1!
Ohh...I'm torn between five, six, or seven. Yikes, that was a lot. I like them because there was more of a contrast with your lights and darks and the colored ones really jump out with those gorgeous eyes! I think all of that would really stand out in print on a card.
Thanks for your comment, you are so sweet! I've been thinking of planning a get together with a handful of photographers in the area for lunch and then some time to take photos of each other and learn a bit together. You should totally get in on that!!! Then we can just give each other what we took. Free. Fun. Easy. Learning.
What do you think?
I love number six and two of course!!! The pictures look great!!!
Uma das minhas fotos preferidas para um business card eh a com os dois livros, com a fortune cookie that says "a new chapter in your life is being written"....
beijos, My
Oi Crica,
Tudo bem? I'm so proud of you and very excited that you now have your own business up and going... Congratulations!
Eu adorei todas as fotos; however, my favorite one is # 5. It catches people's attention right away and even leaves a lasting impression. The only thing you could consider adding to this picture would be some subtle color to your logo, that way it will stand out since it is for your business card.
A super hug for you and Curtis,
Magrith Keck
I vote for #3. Love them all, you're amazing!
Hi Cristi! Photo #6 is my favorite; too sweet!
5 or 7, or the color shot of the girl who looks like Jordan that you showed me, the one backlight. Love that one.
I can see why your choice was so difficult. All your pictures look so great. I really liked picture #5 which was followed by picture #2which I thought was at a close second.
Cris eu amei o seu blog. Parabens!!!!
As fotos que eu mais gostei foram a numero 3 e numero 7. Ficaram incrivelmente lindas!!!!
Beijos. mamae.
They are all so great but I really like #1 and #5!
Kids will give you all your moneys'worth..#1 or #5...awesome work!
I like #6 and then I'd choose #5 if I had to pick a second. Kathrina
I really like 5 & 1, 5 being my favorite. It brightens my day just looking at it. :)Good job!! xoxo Denise Z.
My favorite of course is #4. Mom kissing her newborn. There is no other perfect image in my mind. Good luck.
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