First of all, today I met one of the most interesting man I've ever met. I had to get my favorite pair of boots repaired and found this little place on Guadalupe and
McClintock - Abe's Shoe Repair. I knew I liked him right away when he was asking me when I wanted to pick up my boots and before I even had time to process the question he said "I have best idea, you wait now!" So we were chatting while he made my boots look brand-new and I asked him if he was ready for Christmas and he said "Of course, I have nothing to worry about, that's my wife's business.'' Well, unfortunately I wasn't ready like my new friend Abe so I had to go to Fashion Square Mall and finish my Christmas shopping.
You could sense the chaos from Scottsdale Road! So many people! And let me tell you they are not all full of Holiday Cheer :) The incredible thing is that positive thinking really works! I found the most perfect parking spot right away, found the exact gift I was looking for in under 10 minutes and was out of there and off to my mom's Christmas dinner - which by the way was amazing! The food was obviously delicious and the Priest who does the masses in Portuguese came over and we practiced songs for the Christmas mass. Well, let me just say that my family has THE worst singing voice ever. The only two who can sing are Jason and Curtis but they can't speak Portuguese so it was absolutely hilarious. If you are brave enough to come hear us sing, come to mass next Sunday. It will surely be entertaining, just not for the right reason!
Now that I only have one more gift to get I cannot wait until Christmas - I'm
soo excited!
Oh, and if you ever need shoes repaired go see Abe. Just meeting him is worth the trip. And one more really cool thing about him is that he is from
Bethlehem! I had never met anyone from
Bethlehem before!