The day after we drove back from California we left for Canyon Point. We were really tired and I'm not sure where we got the energy to go camping but we are so glad we did.
It was great to spend time with our Portico friends. The kids were so entertaining.

When I was little my mom used to tell me that being dirty was a good sign that I had lots of fun. I guess this is proof then that this was one very fun camping trip:

The weather was much cooler than here in Phoenix and just the fact that I got to eat smores made it all worth it! And as Julie said, food cooked over an open fire always tastes so much better!
Here's Melissa keeping an eye on her bratwursts to make sure Scott cooked them just right.

They looked pretty good to me:

Curt, Melissa and I took a short little walk to the Sinkhole:

I wasn't really sure what a sinkhole is, but for some reason I was expecting water (maybe because of the word sink :)). Well, there was no water but it was still really pretty. Here they are at the bottom:

It's funny how camping has really grown on me. Before I met Curtis the thought of living without a bathroom and sleeping on the floor didn't even make any sense to me. And most definitely didn't sound like it could be any fun. I really enjoy it now but I'm still a rookie... I woke Curtis up in the middle of the night to announce that I was minutes away from freezing to death. His response?
"Are your vents closed?" Me:
"Huh, what?? Are you sleep talking?? Pleeease warm me up. Hurry!" After much confusion and me trying to bury myself under him to get my blood flowing again, he explained to me he was talking about my sleeping bag! What?? Sleeping bags have vents?!! Why didn't you tell me that
before?! So, I guess it still doesn't all make sense to me, but I'm getting better :)